
Monday, January 31, 2011

6 New Patterns Posted

I have just posted 6 patterns!!  Please scroll down to view them, or check, "My Free Patterns" at the right, they will be at the top of the list.  I will still be posting the Square for February in a few hours. 

WE are getting blast of winter weather.......I was hoping for one more blast of winter before Spring came.........which the way our weather felt last week, I was sure Spring was already here.  IT is really cold out there, we had ice this morning and snow is starting to fall now. 

I helped out at the school for a couple of hours, then headed home to get ready to take my mom to the dr,  Her kidneys are messed up and it is making her blood pressure go way she is back on her Depokot and a blood pressure medicine.......she needs to fast this week then go back for blood work, which should tell them more. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Snow No More

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We got some snow last week, it really came down hard, but didn't last...this was actually a couple of weeks started Sunday and Monday, and School got canceled Tuesday and Wednesday which made the boys very happy!!!!  The boys went sledding with their papa and AJ was walking up the hill, and Aiden came down on his sled, and slammed into AJs legs knocking him over onto his arm, he ended up pulling his shoulder out of whack......Luckily nothing broke!!!  

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well I hope you all had a great New Year.........we did here.  I think Aiden thought we were all crazy when yelling HAPPY NEW YEAR.  He laughed, so I guess we were still, "ok" in his book though. 

 Both boys enjoyed their time off from school during the holiday break.  AJ had left for Kansas City on his last day of school.  This picture above is my father with Aiden, This too was Aiden's last day, but his school was h having a math party after school.  Since I had been up at the school helping the teachers out, I told my father to take him up there, so I could clean up the house a bit and relax.  They had fun!  

This is a snowman and holiday ornament I crocheted before Christmas for our kitchen.  Both worked up quick and came out cute.

I love snowman.......I do not consider them Christmas, but winter!!  So I decorate my house with them for the Winter.  I did this one though to send off to a lady in part of a prize package.  Again this worked up really fast, and I can't remember where I got the pattern from, I have had it for about 4 years now. 

Aiden wanted these once I told them what they were, Coasters.  So I whipped them up Saturday in a few minutes.  I sure wish I could cut out perfect ovals and circles.........but I can't.......felt does not like me, so I will just blame the felt.  ;)  

My New year was spent with family and friends........we had a very yummy dinner!  Now I am ready to get back to a more normal schedule.  I put the boys to bed early today.  AJ spent the night with a friend Friday and she let them boys stay up ALL NIGHT!!  She said they were still up playing a game system at 6:30.  I told her to not let that happen again......even with it being New Years, past midnight was fine......but not that late.  When I called her the next day to pick them up to come over for dinner, it was 3:15 in the afternoon and the boys were all still sleeping!!!!  I told her to wake my son up, I don't let him sleep that late.  LOL

They didn't give me a hard time when I told them it was bedtime.  I was surprised and relieved too.  Now I am going to go enjoy my quiet evening!!