
Thursday, October 06, 2011

Hanging in There

I will be getting out the pattern for October very soon!!  I am getting it tested.  I have to say I really like this pattern.  I didn't start it until just the other day.  It's been a busy couple of months.  I am waiting for the time when I can say it's slowing down. 

I am sick!  It's either bad allergies or a nasty cold..the only difference in why I think it might be a bad case of allergies, is that my nose is not stuffy! Anyway I am hoping to get some allergies medicine soon.  I have been putting off getting more and I am paying for it. 

Boys are doing good.  Last Saturday we went to Worlds of Fun.  I thought Aiden would be scared of some of the rides......I knew he would not want to go on any roller coasters, but some of the rides I thought would scare him didn't!!!  I had more fun just watching him have fun.  His face just lit up!!!  The smiles, the laughs, the excitement in each step he took........I really enjoyed that.  AJ rode a lot of the roller coasters with Brett, I stay away from them........don't like them, and they feel like they are breaking my back. 

They are doing well in school.  AJ is taking Robotics after school.  His algebra teacher recruited him.  He is really enjoying that and I can't wait to see what his group comes up with.  Aiden "loves" doing his homework.  LOL........I am wondering in what grade that will change!!  He keeps teasing me about being in high school!! 

I am working on Aiden's Mario afghan, need to get busy on it.  I have 5 strips done, 70 squares done, so only 182 more squares to go.  LOL luckily each square only takes me about 5 or so minutes to do.