
Thursday, November 03, 2011

Fall is Upon Us!!

Aiden had his 6th Birthday this month!  He was so excited about his party.  We had his special dinner on his actual birthday, then his party on the following Sunday.  You can see some pictures from his "dinner" one from the party he had at school, then his party pictures.  He loved all his gifts, and you can see I DID finish the Mario afghan on time!!!  Just barely.  I finished it the morning of his party.  It is really huge!!!  I will probably post a better picture another time. 

Halloween was super fun!!!  WE carved pumpkins Sunday and they all came out really nice, probably our best ones so far.  WE actually started earlier in the day and took our time, instead of rushing like we usually do because we wait so long.  Aiden got a lot of candy!!  enough for everyone.  LOL  He dressed up as an astronaut!!  Story on that costume!  that was a very thick, really nice costume.  This past weekend we went to the Kansas Cosmophere and Space Center with Aiden's dad.  He wanted to go get some coffee, so Aiden and I made a detour into the gift shop.  They had some costumes like this, one was a thin, cheap one.....well cheap for them, they had listed in it, $29.99 for the thin one.  The thick one like the one Aiden is wearing?  They had it listed for $59.99.  I kid you not!!!!  Guess how much I paid for the costume with the boots?  $8.00 at a local DAV.  I had gone in there to look for some Halloween decorations for outside, and came upon that costume and Aiden wanted it so bad.  It needed to have one of the straps tacked back up, but other than that, no holes, rips, or stains!!!  I did purchase the space helmet at the Party City store for $16.  Still very cheap!  
I am so glad Fall is upon us!!  I found this leaf cup last month and bought it!! I have snowman for the winter.  I even saw Halloween ones at Wal-Mart, but they were chipped and not even on clearance!!