
Wednesday, January 18, 2012


It's been awhile since I just did a regular updated post!!  I think this is my first for 2012!  I hope you all had a great start to the New year, and it continues to get even better.  I am sure we will have our ups and downs, but lets hope for my ups than downs.

We had a great Christmas!!!  The boys enjoyed it a lot

Our New year so far has been up and down.  Aiden and  I got sick last week. Mainly coughing, but for Aiden it got back, high fever, and he was home for a couple of days, and fever free I sent him to school, which might have been my mistake, he came home Thursday from school, and went downhill.  He was looked pale, his fever spiked up again, he was zombie like, just laying there crying....and coughing..that night he did not sleep at all....called his dr that night who said bring him in in the morning.  So Friday morning I called and told reception he needed to be in there NOW!  Not later in the day.  So we get there, and his oxygen was very low, his heart was beating fast.....machines were going crazy, breathing treatment and then x-rays revealed Pneumonia.  I felt guilty for sending him back to school, his cough was still there, but I thought no fever, so it was ok.  Anyway we got him on medicine and within a couple of days he perked up and felt better.....he went back to school today and his class and teacher were happy to have him back.  He came home today with lots of papers and crafts he did....I love looking at all he does in class.

I still feel horrible myself, it's mainly a cold and cough, but my head feels as if it will explode from coughing and blowing my nose.  On the brighter side, I can actually smell and taste a little bit.

Did anyone make any "loose weight" resolutions?  I "tweaked" mine a bit, I want to loose weight, but I want to be healthy about it.....I am trying to stay on track with keeping my food diary online.

I was sent this link, and I hope that those of you who are thinking about going on a diet, to please read it.

Thanks to Jennifer Lynch for sharing the link with me


  1. So sorry you and the boys have been ill..Lets hope you all are improving :)
    I would love to lose weight, I need to exercise more, A brilliant way to get rid of those unwanted kilos/pounds is walking..
    have a great week :))

  2. Thanks for the link, it always puzzles me why people can live on those crazy diets but struggle to live on a healthy balanced diet????? I've renewed my enthusiasm for the weight watchers plan i'm following with, like you a bit emphasis on being healthy. I've even managed to get my young kids interested in fruit and veg! Hope you get well soon x

  3. hope the new year is better to you...losing weight is always on my list its getting my mind and body to think alike???? I'm having a give away come by and check it out.

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