
Thursday, August 02, 2012


Has anyone been watching the  Olympics?  I have.......I love them!  I am so proud of our American athletes, but am also proud of all the athletes there from all over.  They all work hard and do such amazing things.

I am also part of the 2012 Crochet Games of Ancient Greece over at Crochetville.  I am making the Caron Crochet Lacy Jacket  I have made a few mistakes, but nothing that could not be fixed.  right now I am working on the length.  I did the pattern instructions, but will add a few more rows to make it a bit longer.  I am not familiar with crochet clothing items, so this is still new to me.  I have already had my first "crochet Olympic" injury too.  :D 

Anyway Aiden went into the regular class of TaeKwonDo today.  Little Tykes was cancelled for August, but since he is belt testing later this month, he would have "graduated" out of the Little tykes class anyway.  He likes that he is in there with AJ, but  once AJ belts test too for his green tip, he will go into the Advance class.  That one is an hour earlier.  But still I am so proud of the both of them.  They are doing so well in TKD. 

I also got both of them enrolled in school........I had to notify the school board as I was not happy with Aiden's school supply list.  At the bottom said, ALL SUPPLIES SHARED!  Now I know that the tissues and stuff like that are shared..but crayons, paints, pencils, scissors, and other school related supplies should NOT be shared!!  I taught my son to take care of his stuff, other kids either haven't been taught, or have, and still choose to be destructive with their materials.  Not to mention there is a health risk involved.  I see kids chew and slobber on pencils, why on earth would I want my son to touch that, and vice versa!!  Anyway, if I am buying him new stuff, he should be able to use it.  Especially since I know that all kids go to school with supplies.  There are so many different organizations that are helping with the basic school supplies.  I heard one parent at the enrollment that angered me.  Her husband asked when they planned on going to get the stuff on the list, and her response was that she was not going to, she said it says they share, so they will just use what someone else brings!!  SO WRONG!  The fancy, huge SUV they were getting into, tells me that they can afford it.  I mean come on........a lot of parents struggle to get school supplies........especially when you have more than one kid.......but we usually find a way!  For me, I bought them gradually little by little..........I mean the list is pretty much the same each year.........the actual school supplies are pretty cheap, with most costing under $2.00, 90% of the school supplies for me were under a dollar.  This of course does not include the tissues, hand sanitizer and stuff, but you get the idea!  I was contacted by and the lady responded agreed that it was a health concern.  I also pointed out that a few of the kids didn't wash their hands last year, and some had "you know what" on their hands...and I cringe thinking that my son or any other kid would touch, or put in their mouths something those kids touched.  Anyway she plans on bringing it up to the Principal.  She agreed, and also said that it was schools doing this, it was not a city or state wide rule. 

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