
Tuesday, March 26, 2013


You decide on the "blah" of the week!  I tell you I have been sick a lot since late last year.  It's either flu like or cold like.  Last week, I thought my head cold was into my eyes, as they were leaking and very hard to see out of.  After waking up for my 5th day with my eyes cemented shut, I decided to call the dr.  I was lucky enough to get an appt with a couple of hours.  No infection, (thankfully), but it's mainly my allergies.  So I HAVE TO, NEED TO remember to take my allergy pills!!  It seems each couple of years, my allergies come up with something new to bug me with.  This was also my 3rd visit within a few months where my blood pressure was high.  So they put me on medicine for that.  I think that explains the dizzy spells I get every so often.   I need to read up info they gave me as well as checking online about how to reduce my blood pressure.  I know stress plays a huge factor in it.  As a mother of two boys who are 8 years apart in age, I'm always under stress.

So I will work on de-stressing my life as best I can, and not letting my temper flare up.

Boys are back in school from Spring break and there is only a bit over 2 months left of school. 

1 comment:

  1. Hope you start feeling better real soon. Sending hugs and happy thoughts your way.

