
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My Life is Good

That's Aiden right behind the girl with aqua pants, he is wearing the striped shirt.  He has a music program earlier this month, it was a Jazz program, and they all did awesome!!!  I will post the videos soon.  I really enjoyed being there, Sat right in the front row, he was happy to see me, I could see him looking for me, then he spotted me and waved, smiled and blew me a kiss.  How sweet!! 

Austin received the "Army Recruiting Command JROTC Award last week.  I was again very proud of him.  He has done really well in JROTC and seems to like it a lot. 

Last Saturday, Austin was spending the night with friends, so Aiden and I went swimming for a couple of hours, then came home to rest up before going bowling, but Aiden changed his mind and wanted to go to the yearly Board game day/night.  He is really into playing board he had a lot of fun.  We both did, he wanted to go to dinner, and chose Golden Corral, since they have the Cotton candy.  LOL  I really enjoyed the one on one time with him. 

Of course we had to make a trip to Wal-Mart where he wanted me to buy the Electronic Banking Monopoly game.  So I did.  he is really good at counting money, so I didn't see any harm in getting this one. 

I have designed a coaster, a dishcloth, and redesigned an older square design of mine this past week.  I am about to have them tested and will offer them online soon. 

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