
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Saying Goodbye to October!

I just finished this Gumball Dragon for Aiden.  It was suppose to be part of a halloween cal on a group at Ravelry, but I didn't get it done on time, then I got sick with Pneumonia.  Aiden was thrilled to see it finished.

I didn't do much in the way of Halloween crochet this year, but I did manage to get this cute monster done in candy corn colors!! 
 October was a busy month for us, actually it's the start of a very busy end of year!!  My little Aiden turned 8 in October, He was super happy with his party and his gifts too. 

Pretty sure he was very happy with this cake too!!!  Although he never eats much, which is a good thing.

We also went to the Kansas Underground Salt Mines, let me tell you I was a bit freaked.  This picture was taken above ground while waiting for the next trip down.  650ft!!  The lift we went down in, was pitch black, of course!  The guide had a light on her hat, which Aiden wanted on, and he and I stayed close! 

This is one huge piece of salt!!!  This was one we could touch, they preferred you not to touch the salt walls, but there was plenty of "touchable" pieces of salt.  Not only was this one huge, but pretty thick too.

Of course we all had to wear hard hats, I think we all looked pretty cute in our hats!!! 

Just in case you were wondering where the men down in the salt mines use to "go" well wonder no more!!  Yep that is a toilet there.  If you look closely at the ground, you will see a "ton" of toilet paper and rolls from years past!!  There is a saying that what comes down tot he mines, stays in the mines!!  I will add more pics later on. 

they also had an area where a lot of movie props are stored!  This one was pretty neat.

Of course October ended with Halloween!!  I was lucky enough to have the night available to take Aiden trick or treating.  Austin stayed home to pass out candy.  This was my little Ninja, and you better believe I felt extremely safe walking around with my ninja!!!