
Tuesday, October 13, 2020



Winter Burst 12” Square

H Hook

Copyright © 2010 Aurora Suominen

Abbreviations: SS=Slip stitch, Ch=Chain, St=stitch, FPDC=Front Post Double Crochet, BEG Corner: SS into next ch2 sp, and work, Ch3, DC, Ch2, 2DC.  CORNER: 2DC, Ch2, 2DC in next ch2 sp.

Ch4 and Join

Round 1: Ch3, 15DC in ring. Join (16)

Round 2: Ch3, DC in same st. (FPDC around next dc, 2DC in next dc) 7 times.  FPDC around next dc.  Join (24)

Round 3: SS in next 2sts.  Ch3, DC in same st.  *Ch1, FPDC around next 2dc together, Ch1, 2DC in next.* Repeat around and join (24DC & 16 ch1 spaces)

Round 4: Ch3, DC in same st. Ch2, 2DC in next st. *DC in ch1sp, DC in top of fpdc.  DC in ch1 sp, 2DC in next st, Ch2, 2DC in next st.* Repeat around & join.  (56dc & 8 ch2 spaces)

Round 5: BEG Corner. *DC in 3 st, FPDC around next, DC in 3 sts, Work a Corner in ch2 sp.* Repeat around & join.  (88dc & 8 ch2 spaces)

Round 6: SS into ch2 sp, Ch1, SC in same st.  *Ch4, SC in top of fpdc, ch4, SC in next ch2 sp.* Repeat around & join.  (16sc & 16 Ch5 spaces)

Round 7: Ch1, SC in same st, (5SC in next ch4 sp, DC in next sc, 5SC in next ch4 sp, SC in next sc (start point) 7 times.  5SC in ch4 sp, DC in next sc, 5SC in next ch4 sp.  Join (88 sc & 8dc)

Round 8: Ch3, DC in 11 sts. Work a Corner in next st.  (DC in 23 sts, Work corner in next st) 3 times.  DC in last 11 sts.  Join (108dc)

Round 9: Loosely SS in next 13 sts, SS into ch2 sp.  Ch3, DC, ch2, 2DC in same st.  *DC in 9 sts, SC in 9 sts, DC in 9 sts, in next Ch2 sp, work a corner.* Repeat & join (88dc & 36sc)

Round 10: BEG Corner.  *DC in 2, (FPDC in nx, 1DC in nx) 5 Xs. DC in 8, (FPDC in nx, DC in nx) 5 Xs. DC in 1, Work Corner*.  Join (140dc)

Round 11: BEG Corner, *DC in 13, (FPDC in nx, DC in nx) 5Xs.  DC in 12.  Work Corner.* Repeat around and Join.

Original Pattern by Aurora Suominen Copyright © 2010

This pattern is for personal use only. Do not reprint, copy, post to any website/blog/group, or anywhere else.  You can link to this pattern if you wish.  If you sell any items made from MY pattern, please credit me as the original designer and link back to my blog.

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