
Sunday, March 18, 2007

I know I have not been around much this week, but been busy........Aj had a good week at school...........he finished his reading assesments and will start math the week of April 9th.

His Art teacher from school called me earlier this week too, and told me about a picture AJ drew for a Native American art contest.......he of course didn't tell me until the night before. I have to sign a paper giving him permission to stay in the contest. But anyway because he is half native american he can join the contest. I am so proud of him for entering his picture in it, he did very well on it. I just wish he would tell me these things ahead of time. Thursday was his last day of school, so he is on Spring Break now.

I got two child support payments this past week, they were February is still lost but she said she faxed them the info on the check and they said they would reissue the check............its funny how when i called and left a message that I was going to demand an investigation on California child support and Kansas payment center.........then all of a sudden, she tells CA that, and BOOM I receive two checks right away and a message saying they will reissue the lost check............HMMMM??? makes you wonder!!

Aiden is good, he is getting more teeth in, and hasn't felt good much this week, i mean nothing serious, just really fussy at times...........he is rotten though, especially at night, he is into everything! We had to put locks on the cabinets on both sides of our fire place he kept getting into them and throwing the angels down and breaking them! I also had to put tape on the power button and control panel on the tv as he was really having fun turning the TV on and off and messing with the control buttons!! He didn't like that at all...............

We went grocery shopping this week and stocked up on everything!! I am really sore from walking so much this week, something is wrong with my right foot, it hurts a lot.

Saturday was another soccer game for AJ and Aiden wanted to run around all over which makes it hard for me to watch AJ play his game, so next week I think I will leave him home! LOL He was just throwing a fit he wanted to run around, he would grab his cup and mine throwing them down, he was fussing and threw his head back really hard into my mouth giving me a fat lip........the swelling went down after about 30 minutes, but man that hurt...........that brought tears to my eyes! Aj and his team played really well, they won the game.......

Today was so nice out, so I decided to take the boys and AJs friend to the park and we went to Watson, which is huge with a lake surrounding it, it was very crowded and extremely windy, and was going to close in less than an hour, I had dirt in my eyes and my mouth, we left and went to another park, will post pictures tomorrow, I didn't get very many pictures, Aiden was having so much fun, he didn't want to deal with pictures! LOL

Now the boys are taking a bath, and will have some friends over soon to play some games.

I am hoping Aiden goes to sleep early tonight, he didn't really have a good nap today.

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