
Saturday, March 10, 2007


Pretty sweet huh!!??

Well I know I have not posted in awhile, but I am now..............lets see how did my week go? LOL hectic! not as relaxed as I would have liked it to be.............Lets see, Tuesday was AJs first day back to soccer. Monday he tells me he might need new shoes, and I knew that once the spring season started he would, but just forgot, so it was getting late and luckily Wal-Mart had soccer shoes, so we went to look because I wanted to make sure they were good shoes and not cheapy ones......we did find some Rawlings and they were silver and red, and he wears a red and black uniform, so this would look good, he wanted them, so bought them and Tuesday I was running some errands, so Brett came to get him, but my mom calls me to tell me that AJ skinned up his knee pretty good on the driveway while practicing with his soccer ball!! Ouch! His practice went well.

I think on Wednesday night, AJ and Aiden were in the kitchen and AJ tripped on his pjs bottom, and fell into Aiden, but tried to avoid falling on him and ended up kinda pushing into him, and Aiden went flying, as did AJ, who ended up scratching up his shoulder and hip against the cabinet, and Aiden just starts screaming, and I was just about ready to jump in the shower so I grab a wrap and come flying out of the bathroom, where I find Aiden with blood coming out of his mouth, he didn't cry long, but I hated seeing all that blood, luckily he had just bit his lip and was fine, but still that just was one hectic night.

Friday I took the boys to the park after AJ got home from school.......they had a blast, and of course little Aiden bumped his precious head again, on the picnic table, he was under it and went to stand and the little booger got his head, he cried for about a second and then he was off and running to play!

Today AJ had his first soccer game, and so for breakfast we had french toast and sausage, and Aiden ate really well this morning. We got everything and everyone ready on time.............which is a huge deal in this house, I am usally always running late and walk out of the house forgetting something. Aj and his team played really well, and Aiden was having fun, flirting with Tisha and another mom. He loves to run and have me run after him growling like a dinosaur! I bet I look really goofy, but who cares, he loves it and I love hearing his laugh and seeing his run.

The rest of the day has been good, AJ is with Brett, they are going to Tishas house to play with her boys, then off to church and dinner with Tisha. Aiden took a really good nap today. He is off with my father right now.

I am not getting much done with my crochet, working on some squares for a few swaps I am in, and going to try to relax most of the night.

I have not heard a darn thing concerning the child support really pisses me off because I know the payments are coming out of his checks, but the stupid government is the ones making the mistakes and taking forever to send them........they say one payment is lost............LOST!!! but I am still missing payments and the last payment I got was a partial payment the beginning of February.........I am suppose to be getting two payments a month, and I am lucky if i get one................the payment from 2-15 is nowhere to be found either!!! I am going to filing some complaints this week.

I need to get some more totes, all these crochet squares I am getting are taking up a lot of room! LOL I don't mind, I love crocheting. and swapping with others.

I guess I should go for now and answer some mail.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:52 PM

    hello, just writing to say i am very sorry about everything.. i hope we can made up or let talk and see where we both went wrong.. i think of all the times and we both said things we really dont mean so plz give our friendship another chance and lets become friends again.. love ya still.. i am very very very sorry.. plz write me at if u will give it another chance and i dont have my pc so could u send me my websites plz sis.. i really do mean i am sorry .. hope u can forgive me..
