
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Hump Day

This is the pumpkin i just finished, I have not added a face yet.
Taken Yesterday.......actually I thougth this was taken Monday. Date must be wrong
Mr Conceited taken his own picture
Aiden with his new Star Wars laptop
My very handsome AJ
Well Wednesday has started out pretty good, much better than last night. I ended up going to bed with a headache, but during the night it went away, thankfully. LOL Anyway, had to scramble around, AJ had a book order he wanted me to order from. So got that done, and he was off to school today on time finally, the bus came 10 minutes late, but I think he got to the school on time. Aiden is running around being a very cute, rotten boy. For some reason Blogger is not letting me make new paragraphs............not sure why, will have to look into that, I was able to do it before, but sometimes it wants to mess up. It also keep telling me its out of memory, whatever that means. OK, so will just made long spaces for a new day yesterday was pretty good, the boys and I lazed around I let them play outside for a long time, AJ had a friend over and played out back, Aiden loves being outside too, but the mosquitos are still pretty nasty out there and I hate bug wipes, the lotion is not too bad, but just don't like the feeling and smell from it. Had a friend come over and I let him use my fathers old cell phone to hook up. So now he has a cell phone. Which is good, I took him to Starbucks to get heaven in a cup, which is the Vanilla Bean Frapaccino..........very very good, he thought so too............had to stop for milk, so made him pump some gas. LOL I might drive out there later to see him and Kristi.................but AJ is a bit bummed that Chris won't be there since he has a dentist appt. I am sure he will see Chris another time, He got to play with a friend yesterday, so AJ will live. LOL Anyway I am planning on relaxing today as I am not feeling too good, and trying to catch up on some crochet. So I have to catch up on email and hopefully will get to relax tonight.


  1. Awe your boys are so precious Aurora! And I love "gordy" its cute even without a face! :)

  2. cannot wait to see it with a face :)

  3. The boys are growing up so fast. It seems like just yesterday when you sent me the picture of Aiden when he was born. I know they are keeping you on your toes and very busy. Hope AJ is enjoying school this year, but I know Aiden is missing him terribly.

  4. Your boys are so cute. Can't wait to see how the pumpkin turns out when he have his face lol cute. Oh also blogger is like that sometimes that's why I upload my pics to photobucket then copy and paste the HTML Tag into my new post on blogger it helps better then to upload on here. Again awww boys are so handsome they going to have girls in tears when then get older lol :) if they don't already have.

  5. I Tagged You .... See My Blog ... (My Seven P's) ...
