
Monday, September 10, 2007

Autumn Set Finished

Well here is the Autumn set I finished the other day. I bougth this pattern from Etsy. its a turkey, pumpkin, apple, orange and pumpkin pie. I have not added a face to the turkey yet, I always wait until I have everything crocheted that will require a face, and do them all at the end.
Top view of the pumpkin and Acorn.
Ok I got the pictures up and I really like this set. I am thinking of doing a few more pies to decorate the kitchen and dining room. I think I will add some beans or something to the bottom of the pie to add some weight to them.
I am now working on some swaps I joined about 14 i think this month, and I did some last night, but realized i was out of envelopes, and I went to Wal-Mart today to get some, and walked out forgetting them!! I didn't forget to go the yarn department which I swear calls me the moment I walk into the store!!! LOL
Anyway today was a cloudy and cool day, I really loved the cool temps..........Sunday was the same, AJ went to the movies and Aiden and I stayed around the house visiting with Barbara and just relaxing.
Today it started to pour down rain when i was going to pick up Barbara from work...........AJs soccer practice was cancelled today because of the he goes tomorrow and Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. OMG these are AWESOME!!! Would you make me a set??? I'd buy it!!?!?!! Oooooooh I so want it!!!
