
Monday, September 10, 2007

The Seven Ps

I was tagged by Moon N Star Mommy I hope I am doing this right, Annissa. Here goes..........

My Passion:
Like Annissa I have many. Number one, my boys......AJ and Aiden, my two little do i love these boys!!! I grew up never wanting kids, I didn't think I could be a good mother.......I had no change everything!! I didn't like change! Then came my precious AJ, who changed me forever.......I had always heard about how children change you and how a mothers love is the ultimate.........but i never............NEVER.....realized just what they meant until he was born..........I was so scared, but the minute I woke up and my mother laid him down next to was the beginning of an amazing journey..............he was the most handsome boy I had ever seen, the most beautiful being alive!!! I cried and could not believe how amazingly precious and perfect he was...........anytime i was sad or hurt, I would just hold him, and the feeling that overcame me was was trully a mothers love.........I FINALLY knew what everyone was talking about, and I was no longer left out..........i WAS A MOTHER!!
My little Aiden.......again scared but I was more scared about many things........but I was more so about whether I could love him the same as AJ, I had had so many years with just AJ that I was worried that I would not love Aiden the same or as much.........I had heard some people say they had "favorites" with their kids and I was hoping that would not happen to me............but again when he was born.........omg................I MEAN OMG!!! It was that amazing feeling again, he was preciously beautiful, so perfect..........he was my little amazing Aiden......and I felt the same love for him that I did with my AJ. These boys brighten the darkest days, and lift the sadness from my heart.............I want to see them grow up and I want them to know that every second............EVERY SECOND...........i will love them more and more!!! No matter what they do, I will always stand by them, love them and cherish my life with them.
My Purpose:
My purpose is to be the best mom I can.......the best daughter I can be. I have to give my boys a good life, teach them, love guide them through life and the challenges they will face. I have to teach them to be the best that they can. to always do their best and live life to the fullest.
My Pursuit:
Well I cant' think of much here for some reason, maybe because my answser is the same as above.........I need to pursue a career I can be proud of...........I want to pursue life with my boys. I want to pursue a time in my moms life where she does not have to be afraid of not getting the help she needs for her health.
My Position:
Currently and always a MOMMY. I love this job, no matter how stressed I get or feel job is to be the best mom I can be to my AJs.......This is my life, my career. I would love someday to work with animals............I just am not sure i can emotionally handle it, my gosh i cry a zillion times watching animal planet!!! LOL I would be too busy trying to see through my tears, that i would do no good to the animal! LOL
My Pummeling:
My answer sounds so much like Annissas...............I do procrastinate........big time...........I hate it, I always kick myself when I have lost out on something because I can't bring myself to get it done right away or within a reasonable amount of time. Someone help me!!!! HELP ME? oh come on...............don't just sit there laughing at me...............lend me a hand! LOL
My Progress:
Well with my temper, I have gotten better.............I don't let things fester inside and then explode. I still have to work at it..........I mean I don't hit or get violent, but i do yell.............and I hate that about myself. I wish for my patience............I love my boys so much, but I lose my patience so fast and I always catch myself thankfully, but sometimes not in time and then I feel so horrible.
I really need to get off my butt and lose some weight..........i have lost some recently but want to continue instead of working my way into another rutt.
My Personality:
I am friendly until i get hurt or matter if I am hurt or mad, I react the same..........I want to hurt thier feelings. I can't stand that about myself.
I am very talkative, and enjoy making others happy.
Ok from reading Annissas Seven Ps, I am to tag I will get to taggin! LOL

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