
Saturday, December 08, 2007


My handsome Aiden and me today.

My mess of bows in the box........i did 22 of white and Deft Blue..........I also added a bell to the bottom of them, but you can't really see from this picture above.

You can see the bells in this picture.......I really like bows and loved this pattern, it was very easy!!!

Before the bows were added to the tree, I had to spend an hour today "fixing" the tree, I threw away some christmas balls we bought last year, they had this thread on them that was coming off big time, and I didn't like that. So got rid of them and put the rest of the ornaments that had fallen off the tree and were under neath it, I had to pull the tree out from the wall, to put beads on the tree, silver and blue. I got the beads yesterday, and you can't really see in this picture, but they are there, and look pretty

After with the3 bows on the tree, Aiden helped me put them on!! LOL AJ was too busy in his room playing on his DS with a friend of Aiden and I did it. I really love these bows on the tree, I think I could have made them a bit smaller, but I like them this size! I spent a fortune a few years back for store bought bows, that came apart really easy and were a pain!! I thought why buy them at those outrageous prices and have them fall apart, when i can make them for much cheaper and they look better. LOL

Its been a tiring day, I still have the cold that won't leave me alone, and had to fix the tree then clean the living room, move all the furniture to vacuum under them. Luckily Aiden took a nap and I was able to get a lot done while he was sleeping. PLus put up a few more decorations we had...........of course I am off to make more Christmas stuff.

1 comment:

  1. All your bows are so adorable looks so nice on your tree great job. Awww look at your son so cute.
