
Friday, December 14, 2007

Its beginning to Look a lot like Chrismtas!

We have another storm coming in, this time they say its only snow. I hope we get a lot of it, because I LOVE snow. I would love to have enough for the boys to be able to go out and play in having snowball fights with them. LOL Anyway its been a hectic week, Monday evening, AJ came home from playing across the street and ate dinner and shortly after that, he got really sick, he got hit with the flu big time..........he was up all night sick sick sick, I had made my mind up that he was not going to school the next day, but then found out school had been cancelled due the ice storm we were getting. Tuesday he woke up with a high fever, and had that for most of the day, so Wednesday he did not go to school either, but by Wednesday afternoon he was feeling much better and no more fever, so he went to school Thursday. Aiden still has a cold, so I am taking him to the dr tomorrow, he has had this cold for over 3 weeks, which is too long for me and he also had one before this one, and i don't think a full 2 weeks passed before he got hit with this one. My mom also has a drs appt later today as well..........I can't sleep, my stomach is upset and I have a bad case of the yawns......I think after this entry though I will try again to go lay down. Have to be up early this morning.

Well I have been working on Christmas crochet and here it is.

I just finished these and man I am in love with them. They are so darn cute!!!! This is my "Snowman" family. from the left is Papa, Mama, AJ, me, and little Aiden! The boys are done in green, and mom and I are in red. Way too cute!! I used orange pipe cleaners for the nose and black pipe cleaners for the arms.........the pattern called for crocheting them, but to me this looked more like a snowman. I went through several patterns that i just didn't like, so would frog them and start on another pattern, finally found this one online and tried it, and of course liked this pattern. I am working on Santa now.
This is my reindeer, and he is tall, i forgot to measure him hold on..........ok just measured him and he is 31" tall.............he really is cute.
A small christmas tree, i decorated with bells and bows.
These are tree ornaments, and are cute too, although I don't really care much for the Santa, I don't know what was up, but the hat does not look like a Santa hat, but i didn't want to go searching for one that i liked. He is cute though, and they are all on the tree.


  1. Love your snowmen they are so cute, I see you is going Christmas crochet crazy lol. Great job:)

  2. Merry Christmas!!! Everything you've done in the last month or so is awesome!!!
