
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

AJ is home Sick

Well I got up this morning, got breakfast ready, got AJ up and he was just coughing so hard...........he has been with this cold for a couple of days now, but usually the cough would ease up by the time he was ready to leave for school.........but this morning he would not stop coughing, and spitting up................I asked him if he was ok, and he said his chest hurts really bad when he coughs, his eyes were swollen and his face just looked awful, so I decided to keep him home.................he will be no good in school if he is coughing all day, and spitting I had him go back to bed........and so did I, and lucky me, Aiden let me sleep in............he was so cute this morning...........he had a major dirty diaper, so changed him, and he wanted his pj bottoms back on, and i said no they are he went and got himself a pair of jeans and a shirt!! How cute is that!! He has a boo boo on his lip, not sure how he got that, since it was not there when he went to bed.................but he keeps wanting kisses for his boo boo..............then I will kiss his boo boo, and then he will point to my lips saying boo boo and kiss me back............way too cute.

Ok, well I got some ideas for my Kitchen swap with the Swap Swap Gals.................I think I am on a roll now..............I always have trouble trying to decide on what to make and send to someone............I want them to like the hopefully Caroline will.

I am off now, General Hospital is almost on.

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