
Tuesday, January 08, 2008


My handsome Aiden on my moms lap......he is such a conceited little boy............he has been a rotten boy lately...............but he loves to take pictures of himself.......he will get my camera, turn it around and take a picture then look at himself !!LOL

This is my handsome boy, AJ who was playing his playstation he has a cold, and you can really see in his his nose is red and he just sounds so stuffy. I hope this does not turn into something worse, I am hearing about how many kids are out of school with being sick.
Aiden trying to play too
Yep that is a chicken!!! I was out here on the computer Sunday, when all of a sudden I hear my mother just laughing her head off, and I finally asked her what on earth was so funny in the kitchen..............this was what was so funny to her............the way the chicken was sitting in the sink!!!

I am still working on crochet, I am in two kitchen swaps, and I can't post pictures yet!!

What is up with the word verification with blogger now...........I mean I understand them for comments, but all of a sudden I am getting them before I can save a post. Weird

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