
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Feeling Guilty

I feel guilty today............I had ran around yesterday doing errands and stuff, and when I got home, I was so tired and really started to feel back was hurting and just felt blah...............then later that night, my chest started to hurt.........stress I am sure..............but I had already decided that I was leaving Aiden home this morning since it was single digits outside..............but I got up this morning to get myself and AJ ready for his basketball game, and I was still feeling awful. Especially my back and I decided to stay home, and let Brett take AJ. They were going to the Cosmospere today after the game............I don't like doing this.........aren't we suppose to put up with feeling icky to see our kids play? this is the only game I have missed...........and AJ was ok with it, he wanted me to feel better, but I can't help feeling guilty for not picking myself up and dealing with it. I do know that I rarely do this though............there have been many times when i felt awful, but still went on with whatever plans we I guess I should not feel so bad.

Aiden is sleeping finally............he was really cranky the past hour. LOL I have to run to the YMCA and drop my application off for a membership............So once the deposit is paid and stuff I will have no excuse to not work out........right? LOL We'll see on that one.

Anyway I am off to work on Valentine crochet and get my errands done.........I see a FEW snowflakes outside...........but knowing how much I want it to be will more-in-likely be snow blowing from the roofs or trees!! LOL

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