
Sunday, January 27, 2008


Been a busy week..............I know I am lacking here in my posts......but later this week I will play catch up.

For the kitchen swap I am in with the Swap Swap Gals......I have received a magazine.....with a very yummy cover........and a set of dishtowels, hot pads and stuff..........I will take pictures of all the stuff hopefully tomorrow, I just found my batteries to my digital, and am charging them all now.

I am working on a lapghan for the Secret Sisters, and that is really about it.........I have had the stuff done for Caroline for sometime now.............but have been lazy about mailing it................well not lazy, just been really busy around here........I am hoping for a more relaxed week.

I will be without internet for a few days starting tomorrow, We have cancelled our home phone as our phone company now offers DSL without a voice line, so we cancelled the phone.........we have 3 cell phones in the house and the only reason we had a home phone was because we needed it with the DSL . We will be saving over $50 a month.........anyway I will play catch up when we get our DSL back up.

1 comment:

  1. Hope to see you back on again soon. Seems like Caroline send you some great things. Take care:)
