
Monday, January 28, 2008

I am not Made of Money

Those 6 words my parents use to say to me when I was little..........I hated those words and the, "Wait until you have kids, then you will understand!" UGH I vowed I don't even know how many times, to never say those things to my kids...........of course back in those days, I was NEVER going to have kids...........LOL guess what?............I said those 6 words yesterday to AJ. He has been playing this online game, Pirates of the Carribean...........but its only limited access..........he wants, no make that he have unlimited access..............."but mom, i have to finish this quest and I can't because you won't let me have unlimited access!!" Ok number one.......his butt has LIMITED computer that would not even be worth paying for a month............number two...............its too much darn money to pay for a kids game!! "but mom, its only 10 dollars a month." No only for the first month...........then it doubles!! I have not heard him complain today yet............but he is also doing his homework then wants his time on the I might hear it which he will be getting off the computer and I will take his DS and playstation away until he can stop bugging me about some stupid online game he can't have UNLIMITED ACCESS to!!!! anyone else having problems with this word verification thing blogger started?? I have to input the letters twice always tells me I did it wrong the first time.............sometimes it makes me do it 3 times.......and I am always very careful about adding them..........So this is my 3 attempt to input those stupid little letters that don't seem to like me much. LOL

Note.........4th time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aurora! Your package made it safe and sound! Everyhting is beautiful. I'm a very spoiled Seap Swap Gal! Check out my blog to see the pics and how everything is doing in its new home! LOL

    I sympathize with you and the $$ issue with kids. Hang tough. There are a lot of us out here who feel like you do and don't spend every last dime on their every last wish. My little boys are still playing with (gasp) color game boys that are at least 5 years old! LOL
