
Monday, January 28, 2008

Internet is Still On

Well the home phone is off, and the internet is still I am taking advantage of it! I played catch up with my Myspace and email.......I forgot to take pictures of anything.........I did take a picture of my kitchen swap that went out to Caroline today.......but can't post the pictures until she gets the package.........I sure hope she likes what I sent her. This was my first Kitchen swap.............ok my second really, but my first one was at the same time............I sent on that one already, which was a potholder and matching hotpad...........I never was interested in kitchen stuff, until my first I have two under my belt, and have to admit I am bit addicted now!! LOL

I also played catch up with my projects..............I am making a lapghan and got the first row now I am taking a break from that and will finish up a Secret Valentine swap. I think I am done with it, I have 4 things crocheted for it, just need to head to the store to buy a few things. The swap is something crocheted and something bought........... The Buddy Swap is something in red or pink, and I have a few things done for that one too, its not due until the end of February, but I want to get it done. I have the lapghan to finish and also want to get started on the Camo Pink and Raspberry afghans for my bed and my moms. Also start on the second Star Wars afghan for AJ and have also decided to make one for Aiden, just smaller.

AJ is good, he is doing much better than Saturday..........Friday night he was running a fever and acting really loopy, he was talking in his sleep, freaking out at his hands and trying to jump out of bed a few times..........he finally settled into a deep sleep.

We were sitting at the table tonight eating dinner when AJ burped and Aiden turned to him and said...........hey excuse was so darn cute!!!! and Aiden thought it was really funny that everyone was giving him so much attention at that.

Aj is doing some homework and Aiden is playing with his Thomas Train set. I am going to get off and take a shower and relax and decide on what Valentine stuff to do.

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