
Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Well it was still snowing this started last night while I was at a friends house..............I really didn't think it was going to snow.............we were suppose to wake up yesterday to snow, but only thunderstorms and hail...........but around 7pm it started snowing, and by around 9 when I was leaving, we had to shovel our way through to the car, got the boys in, car on and then came the scraping of ice and snow...........we headed home on some really slippery roads, the wipers were freezin and making these loud farting noises against the window, which Aiden and AJ really got a kick out of ...........they were laughing their heads off!!! LOL we made it home.........and by this afternoon it was starting to melt. :( oh well.................anyway I have been on the computer getting stuff transferred over to my new Screen name..........YEP I made a new was available first try!!! I really really love the new name............I like the one I have......but too many people think its because I like the Blue Angels.......or worse.......I will keep it though for the school...........until AJ starts middle school..........then give them the new one..............anyway I have the same name for yahoo that really worked out...........I also found a VERY GORGEOUS layout for my Myspace.......omg its gorgeous..................I was about ready to give up when I found that one........WOW I don't think I have ever found anything prettier!! I am sure I am just exaggerating here, but I LOVE it, and I think you all get the idea! LOL

I received my Secret Valentine swap yesterday from the SwappinSquares yahoo group........I love everything!! Thanks so much to Rose for making such a wonder package!!!
It snowed!! WE got about 3" woohoo huh??? LOL I took a picture before the snow started to melt and people trampled all over the yard.


  1. You got less snow then we got we got 13 inches here. Love your swap gift so cute.:)

  2. Looks like you got a great swap partner for Valentine's Day! Love all your stuff!
