
Monday, February 04, 2008

I feel triumphant!!!

Today was a very warm and beautiful day.......I woke to all the snow melted.............and It was pretty out, sun shining............My father, Aiden and I had lunch with my best friend.........and that was really nice.........We came home, and I finally stood up for myself!!! I was very proud of myself...............I will no longer allow anyone to run over treat me like crap.........I am so much more calmer now..........and I think that is just all I needed to do.........was to stand up for myself. To never allow this person back into my life to hurt me anymore, or to hurt my boys.

Anyway I have started on some squares for the Crochetmania SAM swap........they are due by the 15th. I am really liking this one square I am working on. Might have to just make more.

Anyway I am off to help AJ look for a game.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! There is no better feeling than taking care of yourself! Stay strong!
