
Friday, February 22, 2008


I am getting a bit tired of our weather!!! Lets see..............we got an icy/sleet falling that started Wednesday night and into early Thursday late morning it stopped and was still very cold out, ground was white with the sleet. Everyone was saying that the roads were I decided to go to AJs conferences at father drove to work and got there in less than 15 minutes and said roads were clear.........ok no big worries were over...........I had been debating on going but with everyone saying the roads were fine, I thought I would be fine too.............ok so off AJ and I we were pulling into the neighborhood closer to his school.........I had noticed a lady that hit the curb, and her tire was laying on its side.....pretty bad................i just went slow and made it to the school........I did slide a bit but nothing happened, I was able to stop. Conferences went well, he is doing good in school..............ok we left.........AJ wanted me to go pick up a friend to come over and play, so I went the same way I came without remembering the car that had hit the curb...........well I saw it too late, and so was going very slow, well a truck coming from the other way was too busy looking at the tow truck pulling this ladys car up onto his truck.............and he veered into my lane, right in front of me...........I was upset but not panicking, but tried to pull to the right to avoid hitting him, and at that moment, hit the icy spot and lost control of the car, still trying to avoid him hitting me, the car gains speed.............and BAM.........hits the curb very very was loud, and I made sure AJ was ok, sat there for a few minutes watching this JACK*** in the truck keep on going!!!!!!! I was furious at him............but was blaming myself for going out in the first place...........I got out to look at the car, didn't see anything wrong, so got back in trying to pull it out, and the sound was horrible................I got back out after straightening the car, and noticed the tire was pushed back into the wheel well...........i could turn it left but turning right or going straight, was a no i was able to drive it over against the curb so the butt of the car was not out in the middle of the lane anymore...............the guy from the other car, whos daughter was driving, came over and starts screaming because another truck was sliding my way as i got out of the car..............luckily I was not hit, but the tow truck driver from the other accident said there was no way i could drive..............the lower control arm was bent..........ok so I called my best friend who of course came to my rescue, and we had my mom call some tow trucks to see how cheap we could get a tow.........all I had was 40 dollars on me, and from past experience they don't take checks or credit cards.............

Anyway we took the boys to McDonalds because the tow truck drive was going to be awhile............he luckily took the 40 I had, he told my mom if that was all I had, he would be happy to come tow the car......everyone else wanted almost 70 dollars to tow.

Anyway after i got home and settled, my back started to hurt so bad, and I was dizzy and my right leg was all cramped up and been taking Ibuprofen in hopes of not having to put up with the pain. LOL

I am off to watch some TV and spend time with Aiden.............Aj is going to spend the night with a friend.