
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Not Again?

It was a cold day!! Woke up to father was able to get the parts for the car, but did not put them in because of the rain.....oh well, hopefully tomorrow if not whenever, as long as we got them . Anyway I relaxed most of the day and worked on some crochet..............back and leg are feeling much better, not hurting as much.
I did this today, actually started it last night, and my son, AJ and his friend, Chris were so excited.......they kept coming out and asking how much I had gotten done, but I had put it down to visit with a friend...........but I did finish it today, and am somewhat happy with it.........I just noticed his little cheeks are crooked, but I think its cute.........and I have 6 more pokemon patterns to do....I got them from this blog........Pokemon Characters Here
This lady is amazing at designing them......I am really glad I found her blog.
Well anyway, the rain turned into snow............I was in the bedroom talking to my mother and laying down as I was really tired, and my dad comes and says come look outside, and we saw beautiful snow falling...........I mean the flakes got really huge!!! You can't really see in this picture, but they are huge and I tried to take the pic in front of my neighbors house, but you can still see a bit of it falling. I took some with the digital, but batteries are DEAD again!!!! So they are charging. The pokemon picture was taken with my cell phone........which I had to get the number changed AGAIN!! I was hoping...........really hoping I would not have to get my number changed again..........but I am being harassed by a very unhappy person. My chest hurts something awful from all this........but looking at my little one here.........makes me happy, he is kissing me and hugging me and just being downright too cute!!!!! he is talking into my its a phone..........walking around with it up to his ear, saying hello? Hello? too cute.

AJ is still staying with a friend...............Aiden and I were suppose to go over tonight to watch movies and have dinner..........but I told him no, because of the snow and I didn't want him to get the kids out in the mess.............His van is not very good on slick roads. So I stayed home and watched tv, and watched Aiden run around like a wild boy! LOL luckily that didn't last long.

So I am off to crochet a new pokemon......I think this one is called................oh I don't remember off hand. LOL its a blueish/turquoise color.

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