
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Group Swaps!!??? UGH

Ok well its now 10:48am I have been up since 7am.....made AJ breakfast, and worked on two crochet projects for the Secret Sister site. Its based in an AOL message board Our site leader, Barbara assigns you a SS, of course she is not secret to you, but the idea is you email and stay in contact with this person, and if everything works out, you both will stay SS until one of you decides to leave.....You exchange monthly with this person based on the theme for that month, she does have a month off in between projects to give everyone time to rest and so they are not having to send every month. This is great for people who don't want to swap in groups. As with any swap though, sometimes you get a bad apple who does not think they need to send.........they are removed and you are assigned another partner. I took on a second "sister" yesterday and have already got two things done for her, and for my first SS I am working on hers now......its a challenge for me with this pattern, but I really like it, so hopefully it will come out good and she will like it too. I will just limit my group swaps.....I am getting burned on some of them........I get so frustrated as to why people join a swap with the intention of RECEIVING and not giving......very SELFISH people. No surprise there, it happens, but when it happens a lot I get so annoyed. So it only makes me limit the ones I join. I also have this thing that if I don't really know the person I will not send first!!! That may seem a little rude of me, but when you get burned so many times with swaps, you tend to have that attitude. LOL I know I have mailed late in swaps.........but I always let them know. Anyway sorry about the vent there.........but its hard..........I know I would love to make a crochet group, but its hard to find someone to help you run the group. I am helping this lady run this one group..........She gave me owner status....and I now know her frustration at this..........she is going through a lot and I am really trying with this group, ..............we have swaps, which really only 3 of us joined...........they are swaps from Feb/March........the Valentine bag I did for this lady..............not only did she not acknowledged and thanked me.....but she has not full filled any of her swap obligations. I have swapped with her before, so I am not sure what is up with her......... don't join..........don't just not say anything at all........Well one of the ladies just left the group......I just got the email.......she is in one of the swaps, and I made an amigurumi apple house for now I guess it will go to someone else............ it came out really cute, will get pictures posted soon. I guess I don't blame her for leaving........but it would have been nice to finish the swap with her since this was my first amigurumi swap. Anyway I guess I need to make up my mind on how much more time I want to extend to the group..........there are some really great ladies in there......but we just don't seem to have much time..... think I will concentrate on the Blog Swaps, and the Secret Sister swaps. I have joined a couple of new crochet groups, so might see how they go.......they seem to be really fun and its always nice to start in a group from the beginning.

Well I am definitely done with my vent now.

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