
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

New Post

Well after my last post this morning of my little vent, I forgot to write what I had intended to..LOL...........I have been busy today.........finally getting some stuff done. This morning, I made Aiden breakfast, which he didn't eat........he did eat his bacon, or so I thought until I went to get online and saw that he has spit out the bacon on my the computer desk.........bacon bits???.............LOL Anyway I cleaned and swept the kitchen, which was not so bad, the floors need washed, the other day Aiden spilled a pitcher of juice all over the floor, which he helped clean up, how cute!!! but we ended going out last night, and never got around to washing the floor, I hate that "sticky" feel and sound as I walk over that spot. Then I cleaned the utility room........redid the pantry shelf.........dusted it and rearranged everything, and woohoo its done now!!! It took me about an hour to do that, so I wanted to check some email, before crocheting a bit, then tackling the bathroom.....woohoo what fun huh????

Ok will update this post later on.

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