
Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Crochet Update

I just did this puppy for a swap, finished it last night, and then my mom wanted it........which I had forgotten she wanted one awhile since I have a few items for my partner, I would give this to my mom......I think he is cute, but I didn't really like how the pattern called for in putting him together, but doing it another way really did not look right.........but he is still cute and he is now my moms "pet" LOL
A side view of him..........Aiden liked him too..........gave him a kiss!!!

I am sooooo tired............I am not sure what was wrong with Aiden last night, but he didn't have a nap, and he was up until 4am.........yep that late............I tried everything to get him to sleep, laid in bed for hours.........listening to him roll around, talk, kick the walls, cry.............and nothing I did worked.........he was out of control! I finally had had enough and left the room, even yelled at him, which I don't like doing, but I was so tired...............He finally went to sleep after 4, I was up again at 7........laid back down once AJ was off to school...........and up again at 11am. So in total I have gotten about 4 hours of sleep. I am not a happy mommy!!! LOL

Barbara has given me only one partner for the AOL Secret that will be easier than having the 2. I would love to join more swaps, but I did leave some of my crochet had turned to Charity only.............and I would rather do charity locally...............then online, I don't have the time or money to send that much charity stuff...........and the group was really fun in the beginning, but once the requests for charity squares started, it kinda took over..............The owner understood why I was leaving and hopefully we will stay in touch. I am by no means against charity, in fact its a wonderful, full filling thing to do....but I would rather donate to local charities.............


  1. I love the puppy cute. Great job. I know your mom will totally love it. :)

  2. Cute puppy! I like the shape of the ears. Reminds me of that song 'Do your ears hang low"
