
Thursday, April 03, 2008

Security Toolbar??!!*&&*

Well I had a nasty incident on my started the other night, my mom noticed a flashing yellow triangle on the taskbar at the bottom saying things like you have a trojan, blah blah, and it just took you to a site that wanted you to download their software, well I was not falling for I did a scan which found some stuff................then............all these pop ups kept popping up in Internet Explorer like right after another sometimes 30 at a time.......YEP YOU READ THAT RIGHT!! I kept reporting the sites, then PORN started popping up............OH GREAT.............can't let AJ on the computer until problem is fixed. Well when I would go into internet explorer, it would open a page that tried to mimic a security page from your computer again with links..........I then noticed a toolbar that I had NEVER seen............called Security Toolbar 7.1.......oh man was I pissed, could not find this in my programs at all.....came across a message board saying things to do..........well I didn't know if they were right, so I had a friend search as well...........I know that no one in my family downloaded this toolbar, and I was really I am looking and looking............I mean really looking in my program files........Looking at EVERYTHING, but more importantly looking at the DATES!!! Checking for the date this problem started...................its very sneaky how its listed.........well only had 2 things that were listed for the day in question.............and one was something I did download myself to try to solve this problem............the other? Never did download was called "Internet Services" WElL number one I know what internet service I have installed on my computer and the fact that this was listed for the date this problem started. I clicked it and clicked uninstall...........well it said problem and to reboot, just uninstall it and reboot............then my internet explorer would not stay open, but it did long enough for me to realize the tool bar was gone....................I did keep seeing the flashing yellow I installed Stopzilla, and the pop up was gone, internet explorer works fine now. Thankfully

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I came across your toolbar blog and wanted to let you know that I created a toolbar for moms, if you were interested. its free and secure. if not, no big deal but i thought this might help.

