
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Nerve of some Idiots

Yesterday I took the boys and we walked over to Melodys house. I had some yarn, books and purses for her..........we have to cross a street to get there, which on the way was fine.........the boys rode their bikes and Aiden was so cute on his little tricycle......anyway after a short visit, we left to go home............I pushed the button to cross the street and we finally got the "walk" I started walking with Aiden next to me............well some bald dork in a truck yells out, "just in case you can't read lady, the sign says don't walk" I can't believe with my kids there this moron thought it ok to yell at me like that? He was really just mad because he could not turn right I watched my father cross...........he was behind us, so he hadn't crossed yet and the he pushed the button, and I saw the walk light come on, and counted seconds before it changed to don't know how many seconds??? Are you ready for this big number? it was on "Walk" for exactly 4 seconds...........I could not even get across running in 4 seconds!!! JERK........

Today was a good day, beautiful out but very windy.............I actually worked on some crochet........I got my Magic ball swap sent out today.............and a square done that I will get sent out tomorrow.........then finished an item for another swap. I also have to finish boxing up my box for my SS I had to go buy a bigger that might go out first.

I started on a crochet Dove, but the second wing just did not come out I put it aside for awhile.........If I frog something more than twice I am done with it for awhile........and sometimes for good...........that is when i get frustrated and bored with it. LOL


  1. some people are just mean!

  2. Aiden is just a doll! You took really cute pics of him. Good Luck with your "stuff"!
