
Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I took this picture of Aiden yesterday with my cell phone.......he was so darn cute in this has little geckos on it..........handsome isn't he? HE ONLY posed for this picture because the ice cream truck was coming down the street. LOL
I had to buy 2 dozen cookies last night for AJs school........but not his class I found I told Aj to take them in the morning........well I woke up this morning to find them still on the called the school and they said it was not too late to bring got Aiden his shoes on and out the door we went, had to get gas, which I hate to do............and off to the school we went............we got lunch afterwards and came home to eat.............Aiden has been in a mood today, he hit me this morning and when I told him no we don't hit people.........he turned around and hit the table next to him!!! I had to keep myself from laughing as that was funny that he hit that when i said no hitting people!! Then when we got home, he had an attitude because he wanted to go outside and ride his tricycle, but I wanted him to eat his lunch and he got all angry about that, and he smacked the foot stool!! But other than that today has been a good one so far. My dad took some stuff to the we got rid of some wood and old broken toys today...........woohoo........more unwanted stuff..........GONE!!!

I am off to hopefully get some stuff to the post office today.

I got this stuff in two packages from Barbara, who was my SS for a short time..........the first package included the 6 coasters and a keychain of the boys................the second one which I got yesterday was the kitchen towel that says, "Aurora's Kitchen" and the Annies Attic books.........I have already done one project from the books last night. I can't believe I actually got to work on some crochet last night, it felt good to finally relax and crochet. I got clothes put away, dining room and living room cleaned up and vacuumed, and boys in bed I was on a roll last night. LOL

Goal for today:
Finish swap Items

Get to post office.

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