
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Thiens Visit

Thien finally came to visit his son, Aiden This was something I was both looking forward to, but also a bit scared of. I was nervous............about how Aiden would react. This was Aiden Saturday morning when Thien came to the house......he was not sure, but acted more shy than anything else.......
We took him to a park and I got this Aiden was getting better and allowing Thien to get closer to him. We walked around the park and Aiden threw rocks in the lake, and had me throw some too......he really liked that part. A couple of times I thought he would fall in. LOL
Thien and me
the three of us right before going to dinner. We had dinner at Chillis, where MR Aiden got a bit excited..........he was fighting off sleep!!! He was playing peek a boo with Thien.
I ran some errands today..........took the boys to lunch and then Wal-Mart........which was completely crowded. I then started tackling the really needed to be cleaned...............we had stuff down there that was really unwanted stuff............I only got to half the basement, and ended up with about 4 bags of stuff to be donated...........3-4 bags of trash.............and more stuff that we gave to a friend. I still have more to do down there.........but I can only handle so much.............the dust and cob webs were getting to me, not to mention the spider laying in wait to jump on me and scare the breath right out of me!!!! I will get to the rest later.

Thiens visit really gave me a whirlwind of emotions..............seeing him again brought up a lot of feelings............I won't go into detail on here, as I am not comfortable with giving out too much personal feelings on a blog...........I am ok with writing about my crochet and a bit about my life with the boys.........but I don't really go into detail like before.........I just got tired of the backlash from people.............those feelings are better saved for a private blog.

I miss him, I will say that much.............but I am just really glad Aiden got to see him and he got to see Aiden............I hope the continues to visit more often...............I would love for him to visit Aiden on his birthday. His birthday is on a Tuesday, but I am sure we could celebrate it on a weekend.

I am off to relax now. LOL

My crocheting has been ignored for awhile now.

I was looking at Cell phones I am soo needing a new one, and maybe one day I will be able to get one........they have camcorders in the phones take a video. Here is the first one I would like Red

or this one is nice too I am not sure if one is better than the other, but the red one is really nice. LOL I am the one in the family due for a new one.........everyone else has had a new one.

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