
Sunday, June 01, 2008

I was sleeping so good this morning, when I was up like "lightening" at the thought that the house was falling down....about 8:00 this morning, I heard the loudest thunder ever........I mean the house shook, the windows were all the storms we have had over the years, never heard one that really freaked me out, because it sounded like an explosion, only after getting out of bed and looking out the window did I realize it was we got another rain storm.........I have to put my clothes in a tote, after they are washed, the ones hanging in the closet, it is starting to smell in there...........I am HOPING a roofing company calls really soon............this is the second rain storm in two days........and the rain just pours one should have to live like this...............its really bothering me looking at the utility room and my closet and having to look at the walls and ceiling, its just absolutely gross!!! This problem has been going on for some time now and needs to be fixed now!

Other than that, a nice day...........I spent some time outside with the boys, worked on some crochet, which I have realized I seriously have to slow down on..........I was looking over my notebook and I am in a total of 10 swaps this month, 3 of those actually run for 3 is the SS swap, and one is a Secret Pal swap, and the other is a Buddy swap..........the other swaps are pretty much done already, I like to work early on swaps, so I can stagger them when mailing them it makes it easier for me, but I have decided no more swaps for me for a couple of months............I don't want to over do I have some projects I want to get started on for myself and the boys............I bought a Dragonfly Afghan pattern off of Ebay last year, and would love to get started on that this week........I also want to make an afghan for AJ and Aiden..........I put off making the second Star Wars afghan for awhile and decided on making him another one......he picked out a pattern that is done in strips, and wants blue and white. Not sure on Aiden yet, I am thinking on this afghan called, "Spring Waves" very pretty.

I am also testing an afghan for a lady at Crochetville......its coming out nicely.

Well I am going to get off of here answer some more mail and then work on some crochet.

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