
Monday, June 02, 2008


Man it was hot today!!!! The weather man said the heat and humidity would be bad today, and he was not wrong with that!

AJ is taking golf lessons for the next 8 weeks, and I tell you he looked so grown up Saturday when I was taking pictures of him with his new golf really made me think about how fast time is going by......I added a new song to my playlist, "You're Gonna Miss This" I love this song, and it really does make me see that I will miss these times............So I really need to savor the moments that make me laugh, cry, and even make me mad. LOL

Yesterday Aiden has this hat on and it was so cute on him..........he was helping Papa fix AJs needed a new tube. This was a good shot.
AJ with his golf club...........he looked so handsome out there showing me all the.........clubs! I almost forgot what they were called. LOL Anyway it was too hot today, the boys and I walked to the park so they could play, and I guess I didn't realize how hot it was..........even in the shade I was sweating something when we got home, I took a shower and gave Aiden a bath, and made Aj take one too...........we were all sweating.

I have a headache now, so I am going to get off and take something for it. Work on some crochet.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! you have been the red/white/blue swap stuff and the bird is darling! Not to mention, your lil guy in the hat! What a sweetie! My oldest plays golf...good luck to yours learning! Its a great game to know for life! Hopw your roof has bee looked at!
