
Tuesday, June 03, 2008


I was going to take the boys to see a movie tonight, but as we got into the car, the wind was really blowing hard out there, some really awesome displays of lightening, and we heard bad storms were rather than get stuck in the storm, we decided to turn around and head for home............I got Aiden cleaned up and settled, and we did stop at QT and get a movie, Fantastic 4.....we have not seen this yet, so we will watch it tonight after I take my shower. I have been just hanging around the house most of today........I did run to Walmart with a friend.........and got some lunch and some other stuff we needed. Last night I worked on a pillow for my SS that is due this month.....Today I worked a few more rows on the alieghan afghan that I am testing.......I really hate working with so many yarns at once, but that is ok, I like this afghan.............

I am in a Buddy Swap in CrochetSwapBuddies group.........and I did start on something for my buddy today....I won't say what since she might read this.....but its something in her birthstone color..........and its something I HAVE never done.........its with thread too...........I am getting braver and braver!! LOL I did 3 rows tonight, but wanted to check email and take a shower........not sure how much more I do tonight.........

I should really get off and get in the shower, no storms, but the weather could change any minute.

No roofing company called today either.........:( they must not want the business.

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