
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Birthday Update

Well AJ had his 11th birthday Monday. We took him out to eat that night, and had his party Tuesday. He had a lot of fun. We had cupcakes and ice cream, actually the little dixie cups, this makes it so much easier. We also did a bbq of hamburgers and hot dogs and just had chips to go with it. It rained most of the day, so we had to bbq on the front porch. The boys had that play sand all over the porch, and I ended up just sweeping it off to the ground. I was not going to let it back in the house with dirt and stuff from the porch. AJ enjoyed having friends over and playing. We did cupcakes and ice cream first then presents so we could all visit while the food was cooking. This is AJ and Amanda.......I have known this beautiful girl since she was just a toddler, She is in high school now. Boy crazy, and reminds me of myself. LOL
My handsome Aiden and mommy...........I could not get AJ long enough to pose with me for the camera! :(
This was the Indiana Jones cupcake cake we ordered. AJ loved it and so did everyone else.

AJ in front of his presents..........we actually took two videos, one of him opening presents and the other of him blowing out the candles, so then my camera was full...........we just got so busy chatting and visiting, that I never did install them on the computer so I could take more pictures.

I am hoping for Fall to come early for us, this heat is just awful. I took the boys with me to enroll AJ in Middle school..........Aiden was a bit anxious, but nothing too much..........AJ is nervous, we found out that most of the school supplies from the list are stuff the school gives out to every student on the first day of school, they give them the agenda, and a huge 3 ring binder with most of the stuff in that. I bought him a rope backpack, a smaller version of a backpack, they say this will be easier for them to carry between classes, and we could have bought this anywhere, but it was only ten dollars and had the school name on it. Plus AJ wanted a t-shirt, he can wear this with his uniform pants instead of the polo shirt sometimes. So in total, all I had to pay was 35 dollars, which was not bad, he also got his student i.d. He will need to carry this with him at all times. He starts August 13th, I think for half a day. He will have to wake up a lot earlier this time around then in elementary, the bus will be there at 6:45 am to pick him up.

I am nervous for him too..............but I am hoping he likes it and will do well. He will get a tutor after school 2 days a week for math, I wanted him to do this, so he can be more comfortable with this subject.

I have the boys appts with the Dentist next week and the drs as well for AJ. The school didn't say he needed it, but when he left elementary they gave a card saying he will need the dr to fill out forms when you have a child entering 6th grade.

I use to go to this middle school, and it sure brings back memories to me.

Aiden is sleeping in the living room, he was watching a movie and fell asleep, and AJ is playing in his room. I am going to go work on some crochet now.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Too Tired to Post

Ok so I am not too tired to post that I am too tired! See? I am getting loopy! oh well.
I will post tomorrow and tell you all how AJs birthday party went yesterday.

I also have to enroll him in school tomorrow. :(

the boys playing outside the other day, we got them out early enough to beat this awful heat we have been having lately. WOW and a lovely shot of our trash can! :p
My rotten Aiden the other day.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Swap Package Arrived to my Partner

This was a combination of two swaps and two wish swaps.........I made these for Sabrina in the Crochet Swap Buddies and the Crochet_Swaps_Galore group. The angel is a Nova amigurumi angel, she works up fast and I love making her. The snowman is for the Christmas in July, she had mentioned she liked snow people, so this was perfect. The doily and angel bookmark were part of her wishes.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Crochet Update

This was a snowflake ornament done for a CAL group. this is part of the Ornament CAL. I love how it came out finished this in a matter of minutes.
I received this gorgeous doily from Kairi in France. This was sent because her original package was a month overdue, and she felt bad, I told her it was not necessary to send a package in place of it..............but I can't say I am too against it now............LOL this is just gorgeous work!!!!! I love it.

This was the package she sent in June, but didn't arrive until Wednesday with the other package..stupid post office. She sent me this really beautiful doily and tiger...........I love it all,
I received this adorable turtle from Candy in Swapaholic Crocheters..........wonderful work and so darn cute!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

AJ is Coming Soon!!

Well I feel happier today knowing that tonight AJ will start making his way home.............they should arrive tomorrow early afternoon. I can tell you that I will not let him out of my site!! LOL. I have missed him so much, and we all have, even Aiden, who keeps asking where AJ is.

AJ started out Tuesday spending all day at Sea World, he got to dine with Shamu, give hand singles, and feed too. He was so excited about doing that. Wednesday they spent all day at Schlitterbahn Water park and got really burned, because they forgot to put sunscreen on.........which didn't make me happy at all. I can see him forgetting, but not the adults! Thursday they went back to Sea World and swam with sea Lions, I bet he had fun, he sure sounded like he did, they left in the afternoon to replace a cell phone that had gotten wet Tuesday by Shamu and then headed back to Sea World, but it was closed because of the rain and storming making its way closer.........AJ was not happy about that.............and not happy about spending so much time driving to Arlington, but I got him to cheer has been spent at Six Flags over texas and he is still there and will leave when they close and start heading out home..............they will spend the night in Oklahoma, then start back out Saturday morning.

I cleaned out the boys closet and drawers in their room, and have been crocheting on and off stormed earlier this evening and we had some flooding near by, but luckily nothing came close to the house.

I have some pictures to post, but am waiting for the battery to charge.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Second Day of AJs Vacation

We got up so early Monday morning to see AJ off to Texas, he had his golf game, then came back home to say good bye. they didn't arrive at the hotel until around 9 or 10. We did get to see him on Webcam and again tonight, he was getting ready to go swimming in the hotel pool.....he is having so much fun, got to see Shamu today and feed him and use hand singles to tell him what to do....they will swim with Sea Lions Thursday, how fun does that sound? LOL I miss him so much, but I know he is having so much fun
I miss him so much
I did this doily for a Doily of the month group, and this is my thirdy doily....I have to iron it, and it will be used for a Wish I am granting for a lady in one of the groups I am in. I hope she likes it.
I am also in a Crochet-a-long group, and this was for a potholder was fast to work up, but I am not sure I would do this one again. I will let Aiden use it in his room as a decoration.
For the same CAL this watermelon fridgie was so fast to make. It's cute, and makes me want to have water melon for a snack tonight.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Starting of a Sad Week :(

AJ will be leaving for Texas tomorrow after his last golf game.........I am so not looking forward to this. He is soooooo excited!!! Both boys are still sleeping, My neighbor called me asking me to keep an eye on her place while she goes and sits with her grandson in the hospital..........he is very dehydrated and hoping for a speedy recovery from him.

I am enjoying the quiet of the house...........I need to go start breakfast soon though and get the boys up, we have to get AJ packed. :( I hate that I have already said yes to him that he can go.............I will miss him so much.

My crochet project today are starting with a doily I got from Annies Attic free patterns. Plus finishing up one from a group.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


In one of my groups, Crochet_Swaps_Galore, we are having our first CAL, which is a tote bag, it starts tomorrow. I went to Wal mart today but didn't find any Lion Brand Cotton Yarn, So I just bought some Peaches N Cream cotton yarn in the Strawberry color. I could not find a color for the straps, they didn't have a solid pink........I hate that walmart does not have a bigger selection on this yarn. Anyway I did buy all the Cotton yarn in that color they had.......which was only 4...........8oz.......I will have to keep looking for more. LOL

Anyway here is the tote we are doing.........its the 8 pocket tote bag

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Crochet Update

I have been able to finally get some crocheting done, I had to catch up on some stuff I was behind in.......I had to do a kitchen swap that is due this month and hadn't started on that, but the last two nights, I have been able to get quite a bit done for it, can't post pictures yet.

I can post this picture, which is the starting on an angel done in thread with a size 8 hook.....she is not even half way done.......but this is the first 13 rounds done I think.....not sure....but I am doing her for a buddy swap, this will go to Kairi in France......our theme this month is angels......I am hoping she will like this one.......I had to restart this one as the first one got sucked up in vacuum, last time I leave the thread hanging down. LOL

I started this the other night as well, its going to be a bird fridgie.....done in light blue.
I also did my second doily, this one is a small one, only about 8" or so......I did this one for a Wish Swap, and will send it with the rest of her swap stuff. I will post pictures of the whole package once its send and received by her.

I will work some more on the angel, I have gotten to round 20 of her, but wanted to take a break and play with Aiden and get some stuff picked up.

Family Update

Its HOT out........really hot outside, so hot and humid the boys don't even want to go out and play. I don't like them temps when they get this hot, I guess it would not be so bad if we didn't have the humidity.

I have been so busy lately....we got new furniture last week, and I was cleaning and rearranging things for a few really took a toll on me and I was not able to get to much crocheting. I love the new furniture, and it looks so much better in the living room now then it did with the old stuff. Everything matches now!! The boys love it too. Other than that not much is going on.....we had a friend over last night for dinner, made homemade mac n cheese....yummy! AJ has a nasty cold, and is out right now with a friend......they are practicing golf.....I am also going through some emotions right now too, AJ is going out of town for a whole week next week, he is going to Texas and I am going to miss him something awful.........but I know he will have fun, and really enjoy the things he will be able to do while there. He leaves Monday after his last golf game, and come home Friday night, early Saturday morning if they decide to stay overnight on the road. I will need to get a better web cam, the old one I have is not Vista ready and the Dell is too slow to work it right.

Today has been a slow day so far, got up and made the boys eggs for breakfast......then took a friend to pay her gas bill.....Aiden got really hot doing that.......I don't leave the car running since gas is too expensive to just burn away sitting there, so the air was not on............I finally told her that she needed to hurry, apparently she was short a few dollars and was on the phone with the gas company.....she could have just paid what she had then called them.........she would have had to pay anyway regardless of whether she had the few dollars more, I am talking about a dollar and 50 cents short!!!!! it was just too hot for that kind of nonsense!

We made it home and Aiden is cooled down.

This is Aiden in the chair I got for my mom, its a rocker recliner, and she can sit and get out of this one a lot easier than the other furniture, its high enough for her. Aiden was trying to "claim" it.
I love this picture of the boys and myself.....just look at those handsome smiles!!! Those boys of mine are so handsome.
This is the love seat with coffee table in front of it, the table has tiles in it.....stone far the boys have not been rough housing in the living room anymore.

AJ getting ready to go have lunch yesterday......handsome huh? LOL

Monday, July 07, 2008

Swap Package to France

My partner for the Buddy swap, Kairi received her package today........WOW that was sure fast in getting to her. Anyway a run down of what I made and sent.......the red doily......this was my first doily ever!!! Everyone kept telling me I had to keep it since it was my first........but I made it for Kairi, so off it went to her...........two little decorative fans made in thread as well..........a red doll dress corner bookmark made in thread as well..........and a little green dress and hat on a doll pin...........Extras were the pink tote, scissors, buttons, two tape measures, and two hooks.............not the hooks I know she is needing, but I am having a hard time finding them.

I will update some more later on........I am so tired right now.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


This package went out to Kairi in France.........but I will never again send to France in this box!! This was going to cost me 50 bucks to mail!!! I just picked a box I had in the house..........but I ended up buying a regular box and mailing it first class and that only cost me 13 dollars..........much better than the original box and price!! LOL Anyway I hope she likes what I made her.
This is a patriotic package I received from Candy, at Swapaholic Crocheters..........I loved it all..............

I made these squares for a swap from a group I am no longer in.......but the partners wanted to swap anyway and I wanted to as I made these, She requested pastel colors.

We had our BBQ Sunday and it was fun.............we had a great time.......the boys had fun swimming.............and I ended up with a bad headache that night and sick to my stomach, but ate some soup and then felt better.........not sure what was up with that..............maybe not enough food in me or something.

Anyway I am off to make lunch for the boys.