
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Busy Busy Week

It was a really busy last week, and I am hoping this week will be a bit slower. I do have some good news out of all this...........I finally got my van on the road............we got the title and tagged it and it seems to be running pretty good........Anyway I had my father scrub the carpet and seats really good, and it came out really nice and clean............I went ahead and got seat covers anyway......not the Tinker bell ones I wanted, but they would not have looked good in there............ok they would have, but I didn't want them to get ruined! LOL not at the price they were asking for. LOL

AJ has been having two soccer practices since it started, and that is getting to be too much......the drive alone is just too far...............I don't think I will go with this region again...........I like it, but its just such a drive......and 3 times a week back and forth........that is 6 major drives in a week that I just don't like...........they had their second game yesterday and man another day like that and I will was pictures so we all had to be there early...........well it was a walk just to get to where the pictures were taken, no the sun was beating down on us..............Aiden sat in his stroller the whole time, so he was a bit covered.............we were really late in getting pictures because we were waiting on two players............finally got pictures done, and went to the set up and of course the parents are facing the sun, so you can barely see anything and with my eyes, they were watering enough to start a lake!! Aiden by this time was fussy, and hot and really tired, but would not go to sleep, he wanted to go home, and we had already been there for over 2 I decided to take him home........the ref was 25 minutes late, which pissed myself and a lot of other parents off. I left and really didn't want to miss AJ play, but Aiden was getting sick out in the heat that much and was just we left and he of course fell asleep fast.............AJ came home about 2 hours after that!!!! So we went to lunch and then picked up Amanda to go to a museum, which turned out to be not so good.............the museum itself was fascinating, but even with 4 floors you just got through it so quickly............a lot of that stuff kids were not interested................and it was mainly looking at stuff, not really a lot to read about the after that, we went out for ice cream.............Aiden liked that..............and so all in all yesterday was a good day but tiring................

I had taken a friend to her kids conferences.......... and got to drive the van later that night........we had to run to walmart to get tag lights, and the manager there even changed the lights for me.

Well AJ is with a friend today, so its just my little Aiden and me..........I am going to take him to lunch, just him and me, then let him play outside and then hopefully I will get to some crochet today even though my hands are cramped and swollen.

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