
Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Well its been awhile, I am still here and sane.........I have been working on some crochet for Halloween.........above is a Witch and Dracula that go over a 2-liter bottle. I will add more to this entry later, I am so tired, but wanted to get these pictures up.

I got these cute critters from Debbie, and I love them..........they are already out and displayed and Aiden has staked a claim on the little frankenstein. LOL
Here is AJ for his first soccer game!!! Awesome color huh?
We made haunted houses and this was the scene last night......Aiden loved making his.....and he did a great job.

there he is adding more sticks to his house.


  1. Aww look at the stick house. Looks like you are ready for Halloween love your latest projects.:)

  2. Love the halloween amis! They're adorable!

  3. Aj looks very handsome in his soccer gear - love your ami's they are cute.

  4. Your ami's are looking great! I'd like to try some for Halloween too!
    I hope your boys are doing well. I keep thinking about AJ in the new school and hope his year is off to a good start! (That's the teacher in me coming out!)
