
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It was Cloudy and Cold Today

Well I never got to crochet yet today............I wanted to catch up online..........and I did, then spent some time with Aiden, I had a good day today in that I didn't have any major pains......just here and there and nothing serious...........I even felt good enough to sweep up which always kills my back......but I got the living room and dining room cleaned up and vacuumed/swept.........we had leaves all over the living room and dining room floors...........they are everywhere outside. LOL
I made pancakes for breakfast, at Aiden's request.............pancakes and bacon......he ate very good.............Austin had to go out and buy a birthday present for a friends party on Sunday, so he did that and went to have lunch as I made chicken noodle soup for Aiden, my mom, and myself.........just the Campbells soup..........well Aiden went to town with it............he kept eating it going, "mmmm....very very good" he must have said that 3 times.............we had spaghetti for dinner and he does not eat that, so I said I would make him some eggs, and he wanted noodle soup again, so he got some more with some toast. LOL
Austin is off to school tomorrow.............he will have a short week, but has been so good yesterday and today.......he knows I am not feeling well and get very tired, and that will usually make him get up and help out without me or anyone else asking him too. I am proud of him. Anyway.........I am going to get off of here and crochet.........going to finish the puppy for Margaret...........I am sure she will be happy!

Tomorrow will be saved for some Christmas projects............I also have a Christmas Ami swap to work on as well........I know I had said I would not join in any swaps until next year, but darn it, it was just too tempting...........I am always wanting Holiday decorations.

Anyway Good night for now.............I will try to stay up to date on this blog.

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