
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's Hump day?

I did this puppy, and actually margaret and I decided the first one I did from another pattern was coming out too big compared to the others I am doing. I went down two hook sizes and I crochet tightly....but the first puppy was just too "fat" so we went with this one, that is originally a pug, but I combined some of the other pattern with this one........

Here he is sitting down.......
and this is the project I started on earlier tonight......While we were watching Indiana jones. Know what it is? Some of it is for Debbie.........I bet she can't guess.

Aiden woke up sick this morning, we were snuggling on the couch watching cartoons, and he all of a sudden lost color and especially his lips.........and I knew he didn't feel good, and just then he threw we got cleaned up and he felt better, but I knew he was just saying that, he went and sat in the living room, playing with the Leap frog toy he got in the mail from his dad...........but he was just so limp at times...........and laying down and not having energy..........he got sick off to clean him up again.......and I left him here with mama and went to Wal-Mart to get him some Gator Aide to drink and chips for lunch to go with the soup...........just plain chips to help his tummy.........I also got some carpet cleaner to spray if he got sick agian............I got home and he was asleep on the floor, he was asleep for a couple of hours, and seems to be doing much better now......he is very warm, so I think he might be running a temp............but other than that and not really eating too much, which is ok......he is fine, playing and talking up a storm! LOL

Anyway I am feeling ok, my head has been hurting on and off but nothing too bad, but tonight its hurting a bit more..........just started to hurt...........hopefully it will stop........My scalp is ITCHING!!!!!............OMG its so bad, it feels like I will go crazy.........I don't itch, but I sure try everything to "itch" I rub my forehead in hopes that it will "reach" the itch!!! LOL I know pretty silly, but man it itches bad................DID I MENTION IT ITCHES!!!??? LOL

Ok enough of my whine.......I am off to finish my "Christmas" project.........


  1. Hope Aiden gets to feeling better real fast. Poor little guy. Your puppy you made is so cute.

  2. How are you guys feeling today? Alot better I hope?

    Love the puppy - hes cute :)
