
Sunday, November 16, 2008

My week

Debbie made this Seal for me for a Christmas Ami swap we were partners cute is that?? The boys are fighting over it!!! She also sent me a skein of PINK yarn, cards, and a chocolate peanuts!! YUMMY!!!
I have been so tired lately............I wanted a slow weekend, but my Friday and Saturday were both full of errands and visiting..........I got to relax most of today though. Austin went to a Football game yesterday and saw the Jayhawks play the Texas Longhorns............Jayhawks lost :( but he had fun watching. Good thing he was bundled up as it was really cold yesterday.
Aiden and spent the day together, we visited with some friends, and then had lunch together............Austin had a birthday party to go to today, so he was gone again. LOL Aiden and enjoyed our time together. I tell you that boy is really fighting sleep at night........he gets all wild..............LOL I am going to try to calm everyone down by a certain time and see if that helps...........HAH I know I am probably fooling myself.
Anyway tonight went well, but I realized early enough I think that I almost let myself walk back into a very stressfull mess, and thankfully I caught on and am going to stop myself...........I took the drs very serious when they said to try to avoid stress.................which being a mom means I will never have a stress free day...........but I can certainly do my best to avoid situations I know are more stressful than others. I just wish some people could let go of the "blame" game.........we all need to start taking responsibility for our own actions........and move on.
Anyway I did manage to finish some Christmas amigurumis I had started the other day.............can't post a picture yet........I will post a picture when my swap partner gets the package.

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