
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Crochet Update

My crochet has taken a back seat lately..........I have not been in much of a crochet mood lately. This Yoda was done last week. Austin wanted me to do one for a friend of his. I think he came out really cute and I forgot to take a picture of the back of him, but he has a hat on his robe........Brett really liked him. Austin was so happy that I made this for Brett and wants one for himself too.
Ok the dark brown does not show up very well.......or rather too dark, but this is Sackboy......we could not find grey felt to make a "zipper" or a zipper head, so we just bought a zipper and cut it down and put it on............This was also made for a Christmas present from Austin to Brett, and I also have to make one for Austin too. It came out cute, but I did not like making this pattern. the head and body are done in two pieces then sewn together. It came out really cute and the designer did an amazing job, as he looks very much like the "real" character.
This is called the Flower Power square designed by SmoothFox, Donna..........she really does an awesome job with designing squares.
I also tested this square for her as well, which she is calling the Coral Square becuase she used the Coral color........I used pink raspberry, but really liked this square too. She is looking for a name.

I will update Christmas soon............

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cold, Warm, Cold, Warm and Cold AGAIN

Here is Austin out playing in the snow the other day, of course that snow is gone now as we got a lot of rainy/misty warm weather yesterday. It was warm today, but apparently the temperatures will fall again tomorrow and Sunday very cold. Austin will be gone this weekend, going to the Great Wolf Lodge. I will miss him.
Little Aiden out playing in the snow. He loved it, He loves throwing snow balls, but does NOT like snow on his face, and who would? LOL He had a lot of fun out playing in the snow.
I finally got started on a Star Wars afghan for Aiden........his will be a bit different than Austins, I will be changing the colors around, and his will be smaller for now. I will add more to it.......these are the first two squares crocheted together. Aiden is so happy I am making it for him, he keeps checking on my progress and saying he can't wait for his blanket.
Guess what these are??? well?????? ok ok, these are Yoda parts!! LOL I made them tonight, and will sew him together tomorrow. Austin wanted this for a gift for someone. I will probably also make one for him and Aiden as well.

Today was better than yesterday..........I had to take mom to the dr today and we didn't get home until about 6 and Austin had basketball practice tonight too..........It was so warm today, but tomorrow they say the temperature will fall drastically. Anyway Aiden took a magnet and rubbed it on our T.V. Screen, and now there is a color distortion.......I hope it fades.

I am going to get to bed, I took some pain pills tonight, My head and back hurt.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bitterly Cold! Buuurrrrr!!

Friday morning Austin woke up really sick........I had a feeling he was getting sick, as he was sleep walking during the night, and that usually happens when he is either really tired or sick.......he had coughed and gagged all during the I told him he was not going to school, and he spent most of the morning in the bathroom, and then finally he was able to get some sleep............he was in bed all day. By Saturday he was feeling better, and it was warm and windy day..........I had to run some errands with a friend, then came home and got my father and Aiden and we all went to lunch, and then to Wally world to pick up a few things, off to take Barbara home and home ourselves.

I tried to crochet.......shhhh!! but my hand was still hurting.....

This morning was warm too, but the temperatures drastically fell through the day, its now like 12 degrees out.........cold cold cold............falling ice, and a few flurries too. Aiden had fallen asleep on the living room floor, so I went to pick him up to get his PJS on, and he threw up all over him, me and the love seat...........:( so I got him in the bath and cleaned up, and then cleaned up the love seat and floor, and gave him some Emetrol......and then got him in bed, and it didn't take long for him to fall asleep, so hopefully he will sleep through the night with no more upset tummy. I hope!!

Anyway that really is about it............I guess this week will be about staying warm. I told Austin we could make cookies and brownies when he gets home from school, so he is looking forward to that.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I finished this Christmas Angel Crinoline Doily for a crochet-a-long in a group. She came out really pretty, this is the one I used the pearl size 5 thread.
I started this "Holly and Berries" crinoline doily for the same CAL and I can't crochet anymore right right hand is swollen and hurting something awful. So I am taking break from crocheting for feels like someone took a hammer and smashed my hand.
I sent this stuff to a Secret Sister, Minday......I hope she likes it.

Monday, December 08, 2008


Well I managed two posts yesterday and today.........woohoo for me huh? LOL This will be short as I am tired. The weekend went really well, quiet and relaxing.....not much happened......Austin was with a friend Saturday and Aiden and I hung out. Sunday I took the boys out to lunch and let Austin have a friend over to play, which Aiden liked too......they played outside for awhile because it was not windy and not that cold either.

I started a Crinoline doily that I am doing in a crochet-a-long in a group........I did the first 17 rows just a bit ago, and the picture above was taken with my phone. I am using a Pearl thread which only comes in a size 5........using a size 8 hook and so far its working up fast and I love the thread!!! Its very easy to use.

Well I am off for now.

Saturday, December 06, 2008


How cute is this picture taken the other day, I loved how Aiden kissed his brother as the picture was taken.
My sweet Aiden and I
I am missing an eye!!! LOL
Christmas Elf I did
Christmas reindeer I did as well.

Thanksgiving went well, we had lots of goodies and yummy food, and the day was not as stressful as usual...............nice day out and the boys had fun helping me to set up the Christmas tree, although I still ended up doing most of it!! LOL

This week has gone by fast for me and I will update more later on. I am tired and my head is starting to hurt again........hopefully it won't get worse.

I hope all of you who read this had a great Thanksgiving.