
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Busy Sunday

What a busy day.........Yesterday was somewhat of a busy day, AJ had his soccer game and I got sunburned watching him play.......just on my right side! LOL Anyway afterwards, we came home made lunch, and cleaned up the dining room a bit, and relaxed, but decided to invite a friend over for a BBQ, made chicken tenders, hot dogs and hamburgers with macaroni salad. Today I decided to go outside and let Aiden play, it was really windy, but warm, and after awhile, I decided to get some cleaning outside done, sweeping and raking, we have this awful tree in front that has these ugly stupid brown buds that fall from it..........I hate seeing them laying around.......I had to wait for my father to get home to help bag up the leaves. You can see my little helper out there, who decided he wanted to help his mommy.......his shirt today? "Mommy's lil helper" LOL
Aiden sweeping the porch.
My father finally raking up the leftover leaves that had been sitting in that play truck forever.......I had swept them all out.

Here is the Pokemon charizard that I am doing for AJ, of course he pointed out that I hadn't done the yellow belly.......ugh!! LOL