
Friday, March 20, 2009

OMG It's Friday Now!!!

Well these are my handsome boys, and Aiden got his hair cut yesterday....he looks so handsome. He cried, but he didn't move and let her cut his hair, and I think he looks very handsome.........have I said that before? LOL Anyway we had some friends over yesterday for lunch, and then off to Wally World we all in all a fairly good day. I had a headache all night and then this morning too, but finally this afternoon I managed to get rid of it.
I also took this of Aiden tonight........he was being so cute and I snapped this with my phone. We had to run to get my moms medicine today and had lunch, and had a pretty good day..........We might be getting some rain this weekend, and AJ has a soccer game tomorrow afternoon.

I did this Mermaid last night, and finished her hair come out better when I take them outside in the natural light. I love this Mermaid and don't want to part with her, but she will be going to someone soon. I am thinking of adding some extras to her fin. Not sure yet.

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