
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Last Snow of the.......Season?

Well Friday we got a ton of ice that fell, then Saturday morning it started to snow finally, but stopped early afternoon, so we decided to go sledding..........this is AJ, my dad (papa) and Aiden getting ready to slide down the hill........Aiden loved it........he could not get enough. I think it was too much fun for AJ though, he was sick since Thursday, but seemed to be feeling better Saturday but after we got home from sledding, he got sick again...........but luckily he is feeling better now. I had called to see what time the hair care place closed today to get his AJs hair cut and they said 6, so it was about 5:20 so I told dad to hurry and get there, they said they were not they got there and the lady tried telling dad some guy was ahead of AJ and that they were closing soon, so they could not do his hair, even though there were two people my dad told them it was only 5: 40 of course they spent time arguing with him.......and he argued back, saying they had plenty of time to cut his they did, but did a really crappy job of it.............his back is very uneven, and so is the top, he said to buzz it on the sides and back, but leave the top just a bit longer............well they didn't and didn't even shave his "sideburns" they are not even cut, stupid idiots!!! I will be calling tomorrow to have someone do it RIGHT!!!!
well out of order here, but a finally got a good shot with AJ, this was in February when we had company over for dinner and games.
A tree full of ice
Aiden kept walking back up the hill and sliding down on his belly, he would do this over and over, and was having so much fun. LOL I went down too, and man I paid for it later that night.......I was in some serious hurting time last night. My everything hurt.
I finally finished the tulip flower pot., and my mother quickly overtook me to snagged them. LOL


  1. Oh wow - it looks like you all had so much fun in the snow :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry last post I spell words wrong, so I wanted to re type it.
    Looks like your boys had fun.
