
Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Well I am really tired and sore tonight.............So far this week has started well, just trying to stay caught up with everything around the house......The washer is not wanting to work right, so I need my father to pull that out tomorrow and see if any lines are kinked up. so doing wash is taking a bit longer than I want it to. Today I cleaned the living room, a full clean, meaning moving all the furniture to vacuum, clean base boards.........up and down on the ladder cleaning shelves up high, sweeping the cob webs for ceiling.....I have to say I slacked off in the cob web department, I hate doing that, and we have those stupid popcorn ceilings.....but luckily I only say one, but there was dust bunnies around the I had all those little spikes from the ceiling attacking me. After that I cleaned the boys room, did all the dusting, they pretty much picked up the toys and stuff, but I also had to clean the closet, move toy boxes around, and also managed to FINALLY organize my yarn totes.......I am sure they will get messed up again.

AJ went to dinner and a magic show with Communities in School last night and had a lot of fun with that..........Did some shopping, and I think with all the errrands I had to run yesterday and taking AJ to and from school, and picking him up later after the show........I was in and out of the van 14 no wonder my knees hurt last night.........

I managed to get the details of my matching Dragonfly afghan done, I am doing two for the living room, one for the love seat and one for the couch, will do the squares in a Dark Sage, and a light sage for the pillows..........I saw some pillow at Wal-mart that I wanted that would match perfectly in the living room, but for two pillows each for love seat and couch, would have cost me over 70 dollars!!! Didn't want to pay that much for 4 pillows, so will make them......I already have two pillow forms, I have the yarn, and once I buy the other two pillow forms.........I will have only had to pay out less than 8 dollars..........I think I will try to wish for the pillows in a group though.........that would help out too. So anyway I am starting on my first square......I will be using the squares that I designed.......which are still being tested.

I also got some patterns this past week and some more today, so want to get started on a few things for Aiden.........I have a little alien and his ship to make, and a crayon holder for Aiden, finish AJs Pokemon Charizard..............and swaps!! Busy Busy

Aiden's father will be coming out sometime in May............but he wants to bring his other son, Mathias to see Aiden, since they are brothers........I don't like using the term "half" brothers.........and I agree, but of course this means his wife will have to come too......which would normally not bother me, but since this woman has been so jealous of me and Aiden, I am not too comfortable with it............but I do see the need for her to come.......Mathias needs his mommy too........just as Aiden does me..........I can't get over the things she has said about Aiden, and how she from day one, wanted Thien to have nothing to do with his son, Aiden...........she was jealous of Aiden too...............I can see her not liking me, and that is fine, she can say all she wants about me, but NOT MY SON!! you don't take your anger or frustration nor your jealousy out on an innocent if she does come, I hope that she will not mouth off to me, I don't think I will be able to control myself.....LOL............but I certainly don't want her to have an attitude towards Aiden.......We will see though.

I found a site that offers drop down menus, so it takes up less room, of course I only found one that offers 10 links, but still its a lot easier, when I want to change the background of blogger, I don't have to add all those links in, just re copy the code that I have saved.

Well off to watch Dog the bounty hunter and hope my pain pills take effect soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you feel better soon! My ex once had a g/f that spoke badly of my daughter and I. Eventually, she realized she got no reaction out of me and gave up. I hope your visit goes smoothly.
