
Monday, May 25, 2009

Busy Busy

AJ had a friend spend the night Friday and they were up late........I took the boys to lunch and then home again to help my mom who could not get back up from the porch swing........then she came with the boys and I to garage dad came too............and we hit one and spent 30 dollars...........LOL I bought some sea shells, a new walker for my mom that works much better than the one she has........this one is like new too...........anyway off to another one, and another.............then the flea market, where I found a tall lighthouse, with a tea light has beads for the "walls" and its so pretty, I took pictures of my finds, and will post later.
We also got stuck at the flea market, when my van would not start, the battery was dead, we thought the battery was dead, but found out today it was the altenator.
Today was super busy........not meant to be, but this morning, I took the boys and went to a water park for about an hour, with my neighbor and her grandkids, and there were some guys there that were drunk and kept falling all over the place..........we had decided to leave as storm clouds were coming in, and I was not comfortable.......I got sun burned just in less that an hour...........anyway sat on the front porch with my mom for awhile, and my dad took the boys with him to find out if my alternator was bad, which it we have to call some salvage yards tomorrow to find one, or might have to wait a week for a rebuilt kit to come in, brand new they are over 200 dollars, and I can't afford that right now. I made macaroni salad and got stuff ready for a bbq............then cleaned....I had a few loads of laundry to do, had to put clean sheets on 3 beds............and I am now just getting to sit down. Looking forward to resting the rest of the night.

AJ has 3 days left of school, then he is out for the summer. I sure hope this will not be a summer full of, "i'm bored, there is nothing to do," LOL

I have been working on an Amigurumi with wings, but didn't get a chance will work on that tonight, I am so tired and hurt, that all I want to do is fall into my bed and sleep the whole night.

Anyway I am off to relax

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