
Friday, June 05, 2009

I had to post this, this was taken a couple of weeks ago..........We were outside sitting on the front porch and the expression on Aiden's face was just too cute.....I love this shot of us.
The three of us after AJ got home from school.....this was his last day! I love this. I just got Austin's report card today and he did very well! He brought up his band grade and I am so proud of him.
I did this doilies a couple of months ago, and forgot to take pictures of can really tell, but the design are bells inside the red part and the blue part
Can you guess what this is? Its a mystery CAL in my Amigurumi Swaps & More group........Tiffany is hosting this for us.......I have the 3rd set of instructions, but have not worked them yet today........I am working on a Ami Dragon for a wish in Crochet Swap Buddies, I have it almost done, then will work a bit more on Grandma the ami I am doing for Margaret and my mom, my moms is being done in a C hook while Margaret's is being done in a G hook, and I realized I goofed on my moms, she is suppose to have pink shoes, but I gave her the brown shoes, never changing colors from when I was working the soles. Oh well, I am not going to redo it as I have the legs done and the body done on that one.

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