
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Blog Award

Last night I got a comment from Caroline, at the Kansas Hooker letting me know that she gave me the Kreativ Blogger Award. I tell you this brought a smile to my also made me laugh, since I had been at her blog looking when I got confirmation of a new comment on mine. :p

The rules with this award are to:
1) List 7 things you love.
2) Link back to the person who gave you the award.
3) Pass it along to 7 other bloggers

Seven Things I Love:

1. My family.....without them I would be no one.

2. My home..........without it we would be homeless and in this current day, you have to be GRATEFUL for that.

3. My friends.........

4. International Vanilla nut coffee......I have never been a coffee drinker, but this coffee is soooooo good.......I have a cup almost every night.

5. Stargate Atlantis......I loved that show and man was I not a happy camper when they ended that show. :(

6. Fresca.......peach flavored

7. My Crochet!!!

Seven Bloggers who are deserving of this award:

Sissie's Crochet Place

Wanda's Crochet Paradise

SmoothFox Original Crochet patterns

Craft's Place

Home is where the heart is

Wolf Dreamer off the Hook

Dishcloth Diaries